The human body gets energy from three types of food: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Carbohydrates are the most important nutrients because they produce glucose, the main fuel for the brain, the ruler of the kingdom of the body. Glucose is a form of sugar.
The white sugar and onions you eat are forms of sugar. Soup contains iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium because of steel, while white sugar lacks these minerals and has no nutrition.
Basic needs of the human body
Various forms of sugar, such as fructose, maltose, and lactose, are found in vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy products. It refers to the most common form of sugar, glucose. Since it is available, divine evidence makes it the main source of energy for the human brain and body. In fact, glucose is a basic requirement of the human body, providing the energy needed for daily activities. The problem arose in the 20th century when white sugar began to be used in various processed foods. In addition, processed foods containing carbohydrates also began to be prepared. The use of flour, refined oils and chemicals in cooking has also increased. As a result, the human body begins to produce more glucose than it needs.
Our body regulates the amount of glucose in the blood through a hormone called insulin. When the glucose level exceeds the threshold, this hormone becomes ineffective. This happens when you have a disease, especially type 2 diabetes.
Blood glucose levels
In type 2 diabetes, the amount of glucose in the blood (called sugar in our context) remains higher than normal. This condition makes the patient vulnerable to other diseases.
For example, obesity, high blood pressure, inflammation, heart disease, some types of cancer, dental problems, liver disease, especially non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, poor vision, etc. It is obvious that people should be kept in good condition. blood glucose levels to avoid falling victim to harmful diseases and lead a healthy and enjoyable life.
Medical experts recommend that adults, whether they have type 2 diabetes or not, eat no more than two tablespoons of white sugar a day. However, this number is often exceeded. This is because modern humans eat things with high amounts of carbohydrates every day. Therefore, the level of glucose in the body remains high. But too much glucose makes people sick.
An important discovery
Excess glucose has also been shown to cause cancer. In this disease, human body cells or body parts begin to multiply abnormally. Excess cells not only make an organ or part ineffective, but also attack neighboring organs and parts. Despite the tremendous progress in medical science, humans have not yet developed a drug that can stop the proliferation of this dangerous nature of cells.
However, in April of this year, scientists discovered the importance that glucose in the human body causes cancer. The study was led by two researchers from the National University of Singapore Cancer Institute, Professor Ashok Venkat Ramen and Lee Rin Kong.
What is methylglyoxal?
Research has revealed that when our cells break down glucose or fructose to produce the energy they want, a chemical called methylglycoxal is produced. This substance causes an important gene in our cells to be temporarily inactive, BRCA2. If our cell’s DNA is damaged, this gene repairs it. It also produces proteins that prevent abnormal cell growth.
Apparently, BRCA2 is a very important gene in human cells that protects us from cancer. If we get a moderate amount of glucose, its residue, methylglyoxal, turns off this gene for a certain period of time. But when the cells generate energy from glucose, the genes are activated again and do their job. This is a natural process.
The problem occurs when there is an excess of glucose in the human body. Methylglycoxal is then produced in such large quantities that the BRCA2 gene in our cells is held tight for a longer period of time and cannot do its job. In this case, the risk of becoming a victim of cancer of the human body or part of it increases. Therefore, excess glucose in the body shows a person is not only dangerous, but also a fatal disease.
Focus on complex carbohydrates
After this discovery, it is important for everyone to maintain a balanced level of sugar in their body. So that they can be healthy and strong. It is known that there are two types of carbohydrates. The first is the “simple” type.
In this way, carbohydrates are quickly digested and glucose is released quickly. Therefore, the amount of glucose in the blood increases