PTI leader Sher Afgan Marwat told me that Imran Khan is suspicious of Fawad Chaudhry’s role in the regime change operation and has met Qamar Bajwa.
In a statement, Sher Afghan Marwat said that an official case has been opened against Fawad Chaudhry and he remains in ISI jail. Fawad spoke like a guest and accused the PTI leader of having a private wedding as a job for some foreign journalists.
Sher Afghan Marwat told me that Imran Khan was suspicious of Fawad’s role in the regime change operation and that he had met Qamar Bajwa. According to Imran Khan, Fawad said he went to Alina or Trin’s group, which was a lie.
They further alleged that Fawad Chaudhry was working to get in touch with Bajwa Sahib and was working against the interests of the party. The party was skeptical about its role.
PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry has no moral reason to criticize us and when the party needs courage, people like him run away. The Lahore High Court arrested me, but I did not run away. PTI Jhelum wrote that if Fawad comes to the party, he will leave the party, why did they come to the party and what about other people?
Sher Afghan Marwat said that Imran Khan has called me and I will meet him on the 15th or 16th.